Decolonize the Mind.
We need to deconstruct the colonial thoughts, preferences and values that form a sort of allegiance to the rational mind. I do not intend to dismiss the rational nor the incredible discoveries which the rational mind allows for and nurtures. However, this allegiance materializes a divided mind where the rational is held in far greater importance over the emotional. This utopian society would proclaim to hold the rational and the emotional in equal importance: An equilibrium of bodily and rational intelligence. If we neglect the emotional wellbeing, it allows for not only difficult unnecessary suffering for individuals but for those individuals to further traumatize future generations. In valuing this essential aspect of life we can reconnect to our own wellbeing and empathize and care for the wellbeing of others. We have to embrace our connectivity with all sentient beings. This will allow for a connection between the inner and outer worlds.
Dismantle Neoliberal Globalization.
First, it is important to understand that neoliberalism deregulates both public and private organizations meaning a lack of enforcements in regulations concerning health, safety and the environment. As Elaine Coburn explains “neoliberal globalization promotes the privatization or commodification of formerly public resources and services, like water, genes and healthcare...Thus, for example, water from public sources may be bottled and sold for profit by corporations like Nestle. Living beings can be patented, such as the celebrated case of the patenting of a genetically altered mouse by researchers at Harvard University. Universal, public healthcare programs like Canada’s can be partially or wholly turned over to for-profit companies, who may charge “user fees” and other payments for medical services” (Coburn, 393-394). This allows for situations where investors, usually in the first world, use countries significant economies as profit opportunities with no regards to the actual lives that these economies affect “investors, usually located in the developed world, can, for example, easily shift money to a “promising” developing nation — and just as quickly withdraw such money if the investment “opportunity” appears to be collapsing (as was disastrously the case when speculators massively withdrew their investment money from several Asian economies in 1997 and 1998, so causing the ‘Asian crises’)” (Coburn, 394). A utopian world would not allow for investors to use individuals' livelihoods as potential profit opportunities. Neoliberalism dehumanizes people for profit, a utopian society would prioritize all sentient beings.
Support the Development of Culture.
Supporting artists, writers, musicians, etc. Cultural life expands our mind and allows for new ways in perceiving the world, a utopian society should always be looking back to its people and seeing where it evolves and changes.
Free Entry to all Museums and Galleries.
Support the Development of Science.
Apart from things that support capitalist gain.
Favour Environmentally Conscious Products.
Tax deductions on environmentally friendly products, Tax increase on hazardous objects.
Sustainable Production.
Stop and reverse the deterioration of land. Include an economic incentive for the preservation of nature. Reduction on mass consumerism and production. Remove multilateral agreements like NAFTA which “are designed to encourage nations... to develop products for export — that is, for sale to other nations — rather than for subsistence, that is, to feed local populations. In practice, this might mean converting farms from growing mixed plants used to feed local families to the cultivation of a single crop, like coffee, destined for sale on the international market” (Coburn, 394). Another example is quinoa which is a staple in some local cuisines – like in Peru and Columbia – but with mass production and exportation it became more expensive which made it less affordable for communities that rely on it as a main source of nutrition.
Reframe our Understanding for the Land.
To transform our relationship with land and hold a deep reverence for it rather than seeing it has an unending mining site.
Political Education.
Understanding the workings of national and international politics is a necessary class in school with the same importance and length as other subjects such as science, math, and language class. Keeping our societies in ignorance by not guiding individuals on how to approach the political realm is not a real democracy but rather a pseudo version meant to keep individuals compliant with the current system.
Mini Governments interacting with Larger Governments.
Having more localized power, rather than a unilateral form of power. These smaller bodies of government interact with larger bodies. A step beyond municipal power, with active participants organizing local lives.
Living Wages.
Living wages for all. There are far too many people who are unemployed or precariously employed. Conversely there are those that are overworked and exploited. The solution is to hire more people that work fewer hours with higher pay. Workers need to be given non-negotiable rights to unionize and reliance on temporary positions needs to be minimized. People need job security.
Education on Collective Wellbeing.
Class from a young age on empathy, compassion, and being part of an interwoven collective. This will break us from the fiction of individualism. Well being is the responsibility of all of us. We can not be happy while some are facing oppression. Happiness is not an individualistic experience but rather a collective humanistic experience.
Free Education For All.
From kindergarten to PHD levels.
Free Healthcare For All.
Free Therapy For All.
Fair Distribution of Food.
Accessibility for Migration.
Socialized Housing.
Ensuring every human being has a shelter.
Paid Maternal and Paternal Leave.
Giving all new parents paid leave for at least a year. Only giving Maternal leave assumes two things, first that a child must have a mother (assuming a hetrosexual ideology and neglecting male partners or singles raising children) and second that the entire burden of parenting belongs to the female body.
Reform the Prison system.
The current prison system is a representation of the oppressive system in what we live. We currently have an overwhelming representation of POC. Individuals no longer lose the right to vote. Prison systems should address the emotional wellbeing of inmates and help individuals heal. Prison systems can listen to what systematic and societal situations can be improved from inmates in order to ensure a more equitable system for everyone. Free education, healthcare, therapy for everyone in the duration of their sentence.
Rehabilitation Programs for Individuals released from Prison.
Financial help in finding homes. Programs focused on emotional wellbeing and finding work opportunities. Support network including therapist and other released individuals to form an understanding environment.
Addressing Addiction Issues.
Decriminalize Drug Use.
Education on what drugs do, the risk, how to take them safely, what to do if you feel unsafe, and support.
intersectional approach to forming and enforcing laws. Review case by case.
No Manipulation of the Media.
Where open criticism is welcomed however there is no fake news and conspiracy theories. Media outlets need to be transparent if they are a reliable source or not.
The world has changed through the COVID-19 pandemic; the economic, ecological and health crisis confronts us with a new reality, never before faced by humanity. This forces us to consider a possible world, a better, freer, more egalitarian world and face our contradictions. If we are capable of truly accessing and understanding our past then we will have a new world.
In covid we have taken informed conscious steps realizing that keeping our distance, covering our mouths, washing our hands, and the use of mass vaccination we can control the Covid Virus. Imagine if we used the mass global mobilization we have seen during this pandemic to focus on solving the climate crisis, excessive land exploitation, inequality, poverty, racism.
Let's imagine that with sustainable production we manage to stop and reverse the deterioration of the land.
Let's imagine that every human being benefits, that there is no more ecological destruction and elimination of thousands of species, but that there is a change towards the preservation and conservation of species.
Imagine a world without ecological and economic problems, of growth, peace and harmony.
This world is only possible with the socialization of humanity, with the global control of the economy and ecology.
This is a world where human problems and their contradictions do not have to be resolved through war but through dialogue. Where we learn to actively listen to each-other. No need to loot, steal, appropriate, enslave.
Great changes await humanity. These changes will not occur overnight but we can begin to integrate these values and strive to make changes everyday.We are all in this fight for change, but it is young people who are most affected by the hope for a better world.