'Enabling People to find their own Utopia within'
~Complete Alignment to the Physical Body, The Emotional body, the Mental Body and the Soul
Everyone to be educated from birth on how to find inner peace. School programmes teaching individuals how to keep in tune with the child brain, the 'mammalian brain' and not be totally influenced by the thinking brain. To a child everything is possible, we then learn to limit ourselves.
'Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom' - Victor Frankl
~Re-Evaluation of Time
Over the pandemic I was reminded of Salvador Dali's painting, "The Persistence of Memory", with its curvaceous drooping clocks in a dreaming landscape. With the profound change we have experienced in our dairies and the slowing of time, it occurred to me that we need to be less afraid of time: 'time waits for no man'/ 'time is of the essence' etc. As time is a false construct, we need to re-evaluate what time really means.
~A Society Free of Anxiety
Make it compulsory for children to learn how to regulate their nervous systems. By learning to regulate reaction and behaviour, in order to avoid disregulation. Balancing our reactions will prevent a build up of anxiety, frozen activation stored in the nervous system will manifest in poor mental health at some point.
~The Abolition as the Artist as an Economic Figure
A new system for art dealing, moving away from the existing economy of Art as Currency. Artists create common cause with other artists (workers). Move away from galleries, Museums and dealers, which support the few, in an ego-centric, monetary driven paradigm, corrupting 'Art'. Join ungovernable movements to demand change and new structures of care to all artists. This would enable many people to create for the common good.